Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit451 (8)

Entry of your choice

Would living in a utopian society be just perfect?

Utopia...a place with angels and laughter, honey falls, butterflies dancing, beautiful flowers swinging in the swirls...just like heaven!
Would it be that great?

I asked myself this question and it might be great at first but gradually it wouldn’t.
Everything would be boring since there aren’t any conflicts. Living with conflicts may seem painful but life is much more interesting and vivid with it.
Everything’s perfect so people won’t try to do thing and become lazy. People need to work and realize how proud they can be by the results. They won’t be able to find important meanings in life.
Even though our society has lots of defects, the most ideal society is our world!


Beginning with all new heart (Ray) said...

I agree with you on the point that although people wants to live in utopian society, the world they are living in right now is ideal. I sometimes get too tired or lonely, so I dream the world which has no conflicts and just happy moments. However, life will not be as interesting and thrilling as before as you said.

Jennifer Cho said...

Thanks for your opinion:)
Sometimes I wonder what would it be like if the world was perfect.
However I like our would the most!

Anonymous said...

At first when I was little I thought it would bebe nice to live in a utopian life, but later I noticed that in my life a little danger make me get some excitment:) But having a perfect hevenly life3 would be good once in a while... I guess maybe when we get stressful weeks I would like to get a utopian time :P

Jennifer Cho said...

It was fun reading your comment!:)
After a long stressful week a day of utopia would be just fantastic!

African Globe Trotters. said...
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African Globe Trotters. said...

Jenn, an excellent question - Utopia. You inspired peers to think I am impressed! Mrs.Mc.