Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit451 (5)

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood starts off with darkness but ends with hopes. Through out the story, there were books that have to be burnt and a war with jets and bombs that destroyed the city. However in the end, it showed that books are the solution to mankind’s survival. Also Montag and Granger set up a mirror factory for people to understand and see their self clearly; this takes part in of building a new society.
The novel saddened me because it made me thought of how people these days don’t read books that much. Furthermore some people hate reading and thinks it’s a waste of time. I believe that books are the bread of brain. It helps you expand your imagination and helps you go through experiences indirectly.


Lucia Jeong said...

Hello ^0^

I agree. The idea of people not reading books saddened me a bit.
There didn't seem to me much hope in the beginning of the book. I also think that the mood of the book is censorship, and a bit melancholic. The government seemed to have a lot of control of the community. It was an interesting book with dark and bright times:)

Jennifer Cho said...

Thanks for your thoughts!:)
I agree that it's censorship and it saddens me since people's thoughts are controlled by the government.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes I think people's own laziness censors their reading. Now days people choose not to read books. Mrs.Mc.