Monday, January 22, 2007

Fahrenheit451 (4)

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Montag murders Beatty. After Montag burns his house, he was under arrest by Beatty. Beatty keeps on rebuking Montag; Montag uses flamethrower to burn him and eventually turned him into ashes. When I pictured the moment Montag had put flamethrower on Beatty, I had thrills all over my body. I felt relieved when Montag killed him because he kept on afflicting Montag and there would be an opportunity to escape from this situation. Also the next part was exciting where Montag gets inject with anesthetic by mechanical hounds but still runs away with his numb leg.


African Globe Trotters. said...

This post shows insight. Mrs.Mc.

Jean Eun Jin Lee. said...

I also thought that the climax of this novel was when Montag kills Beatty. I was relieved that Montag killed him (even though murdering is an inexplicable thing to do). When you really think about it, Beatty deserves death.
I was amazed when Montag ran with his "numb" leg. I bet he's professional at hopping with one leg! Hehe:]