Thursday, March 29, 2007

Animal Farm 8

Entry of your choice

My thoughts on “Animal Farm”

I actually had fun reading animal farm. I found my first dystopian novel quite hard to read so I was kind of afraid to read my second dystopian novel. However “Animal Farm” was different. First of all, it was short length so it did not take me a long time to finish it. Second, the story was interesting and exciting all the way through. I liked how the author used animals and related them with the people of Russian revolution. I was really into the book while reading. The situations in the story made me either sad or angry but it was interesting to see my emotions change throughout the story. It was funny to see myself having feelings for the characters. I really hated Napoleon and felt sorry for Boxer. Whenever Napoleon breaks the commandments, it would make me angry. Whenever Boxer says “I will work harder” it was depressing. Overall, I like how all the characters were unique in their own way.
Reading this book interested me of George Orwell and his other books. I am thinking about reading 1984:)

Animal Farm 7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The setting of this story is in an animal farm, the title, and is ironic. The animal farm was supposed to be a place where everyone was free from labor and full of happiness after the rebellion. They would sing “Beasts of England” merrily and would always imagine what it would be like after the rebellion. After the rebellion everything was different from what they expected. The reality of this farm was 24/7 labor and only the minority get to have the advantages. The animals would work all day long but their food got reduced. There was no retirement therefore everyone just worked hard until they had no strength. They especially worked hard on the windmill which was almost impossible to make. The animals got killed cruelly and lived their lives with painfulness and misery. On the other hand, the pigs lived in the farm house where the Jones lived and had splendorous lives.

Animal Farm 6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak,… Instead - she did not know why - they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch you comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. (p.52)

This is the part where Clover and her friends go up the knoll after the execution in the barn. She recalls her hopes and wishes and thinks carefully what is happening right now. This passage gave me a strong impression about the feelings that the animals are going through. The animals that got executed where their friends and families. They were guilty because of some weird and small sins. Some of them were forced to say their sins which were made up. It is really a cruel thing to see dogs eating flesh and other animals smelling the blood spreading out in the barn.

Animal Farm 5

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is sorrowful and tense. The animals rose in rebellion just to get happiness and freedom but a nasty pig took it away from them. It was really sad to see the different lives of the pigs and the dogs to rest of the animals. The pigs and the dogs had all the advantages however the animals were suffering from pain. The pigs started to break the commandments by adding few words and eventually all the ten commandments were totally changed. There is one commandment that I hated the most: “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” This commandment suddenly gave me anger and I was furious about Napoleon and his followers. The saddest part was when Boxer gets sent to the horse slaughter place. IT made me so sad because someone who worked so hard than others was treated useless.
There were many tense situations. The animals finally rise in rebellion and have a first war with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones comes back to his farm again to get his farm back with his neighbor farmers. The animals fight again and the men run away to save their lives. During a meeting in the barn, Snowbell runs away from the fearful dogs who Napoleon trained. The neighbor farmer, Frederick, and his men attack animal farm and blow up the windmill.

Animal Farm 4

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Frederick, the neighbor farm, attacks animal farm. It all began when Napoleon had a contract of selling the timber to Frederick. Frederick paid the timber by bank-notes and it was found out that the bank-notes were fake. Napoleon obviously got mad and all the animals anticipated that there was going to be a war. All of a sudden, Frederick and his followers attack animal farm with their guns. At first, the animals hid in the farm buildings since the men had guns. Frederick and his people blew up the windmill which all the animals worked hard on for months. All the animals got mad and attacked the men. The men ran away fortunately, but many of the animals got killed and wounded.

This situation made me sorrowful and upset at the same time. I felt despondency since I knew how the animals worked hard on that windmill. The animal that first came to my mind was Boxer, the horse. He was the one who worked the most on building the windmill. If Napoleon did not have a contract with Frederick, this would not have happened. He broke one of the commandments. Because of Napoleon, many animals died and the windmill got destroyed.

Animal Farm 3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Napoleon is the dictator of the farm since he is the smartest pig of all the animals. He resembles Stalin who is known as a dictator of Soviet Union. At first, he and Snowball made the ten commandments that must be followed by everyone. However, he starts to break the ten commandments one by one. I do not like Napoleon since he is a dictator. Dictators rule the country by force and do not listen to anyone’s opinions. They do whatever they want to do and would threaten people who are opposed to him/her by death.

Boxer is a horse who works very hard for the community and devotes himself. He has two resolutions which is “I will work harder,” “Napoleon is always right.” He was the one who worked the most but eventually got sent to the slaughter place when his muscles got weak. I liked how he worked hard but I wished he would look at things critically. I felt sad and sorry for him when he worked even though he was sick. The special thing about him is that he doesn’t think about his profits but help others. He reveals people who get disadvantages like information, rights, freedom and so forth.

Animal Farm 2

Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Kim Jung Il from North Korea is a major topic all around the world. North Korea is the only country that is still communism. Kim Jung Il is similar but more terrible than Napoleon in Animal Farm. He only take cares of people who are his helpers and don’t care about rest of his people. Therefore people who are not living PyeongYang are trying to get into China and come to South Korea. People from other countries are fighting for North Korean’s right since Kim Jung Il infringes upon human rights. Kim Jung Il even developed a nuclear bomb even though other countries told him to stop.
The novel doesn’t introduce a way to solve this current situation but I thought about a solution to handle this problem. Interests and helping can solve the problem in North Korea. Other countries should constantly have interest in North Korea and try to find a way to change the policy of North Korea.

Animal Farm 1

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel is that communism may sound sweet but the reality is that people suffer. This book has satirized the reality of communism through animals and helped the readers understand communism easily. Communism was made up because capitalism had some problems. Communism was supposed to be “Utopia” since everyone is “equal.” Unfortunately, a leader was existed therefore the leader and the people had totally different lives. The leader would have all the advantages, but on the other hand the people were starving to death and were forced to work. They would be punished or executed if they complained or not do their duties. Eventually, the countries that chose communism have failed and now they are trying to become capitalism.
This theme is important to a teenager living in 2007 because it helps them understand the importance of competition. Today, people have to compete whether they like it or not. People compete because they are aiming at the same goal. In communism society, people don’t need to compete since everyone is equal. For example, people get paid equally either they worked hard or not. Competition gives people stress and retreat however it gives them development. One of the reasons why communism has failed is because they couldn’t develop. The people would try to work less and would work only in front of the guards.
Many teenagers are having trouble with competition, but they should know that competition can lead them to development.